Copyright © – Sudharsan Iyengar


CS – 410                     Pair Programming Assignment – Due 2/1


This task is to be completed by a pair of developers. The intent is to develop software that serves multiple users and persistent data.


First firm up your partner. Next – define your project. Scope your project, plan and develop for an initial short pitch on Tuesday 1/30 and a demo on Thursday 2/1.


Examples of applications:


            Display an animated board enabling users to score at different levels of difficulty.

Display multiple items and enable users to add items into a cart.

Present items with info (price, size, ...) and display by user chosen info.

Display a flow diagram and enable users to modify it.

Enable users to maintain a list of tasks with descriptions.

Display and enable user to add and use flash cards.


Get started and we can discuss this further in class tomorrow.