Copyright 2019 © – Paul L. Schumacher and Winona State University


Exploring CreativeComputing

Spring  2019


 TR 9:30 am- 10:50 am    WA 209



Prerequisite: none


Course Description:

CS101 is an introduction to computing based upon University of California Berkeley’s Beauty and Joy of Computing course (  We will solve fun problems and use SNAP!, an easy to use, visual programming language.


You will need a university approved  laptop and internet access on campus


Course Objectives and Expectations:

Upon entering CS 101, students should have

· Curiosity and enthusiasm to learn

• basic skills in time management, and good study habits.• curiosity and desire to meet challenges and solve problems


Upon completing CS 101, student should accomplish the following learning outcomes.

knowledge of the seven big ideas.

• basic skills in using SNAP! to create solutions to problems you have solved and designed.


Text:  Blown to Bits --Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion,

Hal Abelson, Ken Ledeen and Harry Lewis,Addison-Wesley, 2008.  Available online at no cost. (

Office Hours: Posted on my office door and website:

 Office Hours:

 Course Outline:


Projects and Homework should be done on an individual basis. Co-operative learning is encouraged. Collaboration in generating the submitted work will be construed as plagiarism and will be reported to the department.

You are responsible for all material assigned and discussed in class.

There will be no makeup exams - except, possibly, under dire circumstances and with prior instructor permission.

Questions regarding scores and grades should be brought to the attention of the instructor within one week of the grades/scores being turned back to the students. No appeals and inquiry will be entertained after this period.

WSU is committed to Inclusive Excellence. WSU Promotes and celebrates diverse cultures, ethnic heritages, and includes all perspectives and promotes the understanding of issues relating to race, ethnicity, culture, gender, age, sexual orientation, ability levels, socioeconomic status, and religion. The complete statement with resources is at Inclusive Excellence Statement.



Tests 1





Final Exam

30 %




            Grading Scale



>= 90%


>= 80%


>= 70%


>= 60%


< 60 %





Link To Handouts and Assignments.