Copyright  © 2020 – Paul L. Schumacher and Winona State University


Algorithms and Problem Solving I

Spring 2020

TR  8:00 - 9:50  Section 1

 TR 10:00 - 11:50 Section 2

WA 105



You will need a university approved  laptop and internet access on campus

 Course Objectives and Expectations:

Upon entering CS 234, students should have

● knowledge of mathematics (ready to take Calculus)

● ● basic skills in time management, and good study habits.

curiosity and desire to meet challenges and solve problems


Upon completing CS 234, student should accomplish the following learning outcomes.

● knowledge of control structures (if-then, switch), iteration (while, for), objects, object-oriented design and arrays;

         ● knowledge of objects, methods, and  object- oriented design;

● basic skills in the design and implementation of computer programs using an object-oriented language, packages, and modules;

            be able to verify and test a java program.


Java, Jave, Java: Object-Oriented Problem Solving,

Open Textbook Library  (Free!)


Office Hrs:    Click here


Inclusive Excellence:



  • Introduction to Computers and Programming Language
  • Programming mechanics and the edit-compiles-run cycle
  • Problem analysis and algorithm design
  • Memory Models and Introduction to UML Diagrams 
  • Variables/Constants/Expressions
  • Class and Class Components
  • Parameters and scope 
  • Methods/Parameters/Results
  • Method Signature and Invocation
  • Simple I/O
  • Control Structures - Selection
  • Boolean Expressions
  • Iterative Control, while, do while, and for
  • Program Logic Structure 
  • String and String Processing
  • Arrays and Processing Arrays
  • Object Instantiation
  • Documentation and Coding Standards
  • more detailed schedule will be handed out in class


A Departmental policy sheet will be handed out in class.

Pre-requisite for this course is C or better grade in Math 120 - or equivalent placement. You must satisfy this pre-requisite to attend this class.

Projects and Homework should be done on an individual basis. Co-operative learning is encouraged. Collaboration in generating the submitted work will be construed as plagiarism and will be reported to the department. For details - follow the link below to get details on specific policies.  

Other policy details will be handed out in class.

Link To Handouts and Assignments.


Exam 1

16.5 %

Exam 2

16.5 %





Ind. Projects

34 %




33 %


100 %




>= 90%


>= 80%


>= 70%


>= 60%


< 60 %