CS 344 - Fall 2018: Assignments

HW 4b

Assigned: October 25, 2018
Due: 11:59 pm Sunday, November 4, 2017

Develop an "admin" webpage that allows users to customize their own "Fishcreek" website where they choose which specific services they want to show up in their "Fishcreek Services" webpage. Users should be given a list of possible services that their clinic might offer, and then be able to select some subset of those services to display on their website. The admin webpage should return a confirmation message AND generate a new services.html (or services.php) page that has just the chosen services included.

General Requirements:

  1. Pages must conform to HTML5 and CSS3.


  1. The full set of services should be in a txt file named "services.txt".
  2. Add in one additional service to the service options.
  3. Use a form to present the service options to the user and have them choose which ones they want.
  4. Allow the user to choose 0 or more services.
  5. Upon "submit" two things should happen:
    • a services.html (or .php) file should be written to the Fishcreek website folder on the server, and
    • a "confirmation" message should be returned to the user.
  6. The form and confirmation page should be organized and styled to be easy for the user to use.

Extra Possibilities:

  1. Provide Admin functionality to put in a new phone number and address on the home page.
  2. Have the admin page determine the service options based on the services.txt file.
  3. Let the user specify an ordering of the services.
  4. Add some extra styling to your form to make it more interesting and easy to use.
  5. Re-work the entire Fishcreek website to use Includes for the common parts of each page.

Grading Criteria:

  1. Form elements are appropriate
  2. Service options that are given to user are read from file correctly
  3. Users are able to choose a subset of services
  4. Confirmation page displays correct information in an effective way
  5. Customized Services page of the Fishcreek website is correct
  6. Something extra is included

Turn In:

Upload your final solution to your individual folder in the class store. The name of your folder should be FishCreek. Your admin page must be named admin.php.