CS 344 - Fall 2018: Assignments

Lab 6
Wednesday, October 25, 2018

Create a framework for a Fishcreek Website Admin page that lets the admin user choose from among a set of services and generate a customized services webpage.

Suggested Order of Steps:
  1. Create a simple admin page with a form that has the action url set to "test.php", the method set to "GET", and one Submit button.
  2. Create a test.php page that includes one simple "works" response. *Hint: don't move on till this works!
  3. Add in a list of services with checkboxes to the admin page. Test this page and notice what is being passed in the query string when different services are checked.
  4. Copy your solution for homework 4a to a file named buildpage.php, and change the action of the admin page form to be "buildpage.php". Test.
  5. Edit buildpage.php to use the key values in the $_GET array to determine what services to add to the list that is being built.
    • Make sure the name of each checkbox inpout in the form matches the name of the service in the $services array.
    • You'll notice the browser doesn't like blanks and inserts "_" in it's place. Your buildpage.php code needs to deal with this!