Project 2 - Requirement Modifications
Level 1 program due Monday, Oct. 16.
In addition to the program solution, you must also turn in a Test Set
that demonstrates how your program works. For each test in the Test
Set, you must include
a script describing how to run the test
the expected output of the test
a description of what kind of behavior the test demonstrates
a listing of any files that are used for testing
You should have enough distinct tests in your Test Set to show how the
different kinds of situations are handled. (For example, one general
situation is when all Smiths have crossed the bridge before any Jones arrive.
A different situation is when some number of Smiths are on the bridge when
a Jones arrives.)
Grading of your program:
You must demonstrate that your program handles a certain situation to get
credit for that part of your solution.
Only documented code will be graded.