CS 410 Software Engineering

Spring 2000

General Course Information

Instructor: Dr. Joan Francioni
Office: Watkins 103A 
Email, Web:
Office Hours: 2:00 - 4:00 Monday, Wednesday 
10:00 - 11:00 Tuesday, Thursday 
10:00 - 11:00, 1:00 - 2:00 Friday
Text: (Recommended) Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Fourth Edition - Stephen R. Schach
Prerequisite: CS 250 - Algorithms and Data Structures
Grading: (Tenative) 
40% Project 
40% Exams 
20% Written assignments 

NOTE: The project grade and the average exam grade must each be > 65 to receive a C or better overall grade for the class. 

Project: The project will be a group project and will consist of the design, implementation, and testing of a software product. Details will be given later in the semester.
Collaboration: Illegal collaboration on assignments, programs or tests will result in a grade of F for the course.
Assistance: Any students who need assistance related to a disability should see me as soon as possible.
Course Objectives:
  • To expose students to all phases of the software life-cycle on both a practical and a tehoretical level.
  • To give students experience developing a complete application.
  • To give students experience developing Web-based documents.
  • To develop student's communication and group interaction skills.
  • To increase student awareness of computer accessibility issues.
  • To provide students with a fun and interesting project experience.