Copyright © Sudharsan Iyengar
CS 234. Individual Programming Assignment: #3(b).
Modify the Stock class (from 3(a)) to handle the following:
Allows buys if and only if the new price is within 5% of the current price.
Allows sells if and only if the new price is within 5% of the current price.
If a buy, or sell, request is improper, a Boolean false is returned by the methods. Else the method returns true, and the buy/sell is executed.
A new Customer class is defined that holds the following information.
Customer Name a String
Balance a double value
Portfolio Four (4) stocks that is held on behalf of the customer
Methods on this class are
Constructor takes in Customer name, starting balance, and an empty portfolio
getBalance returns the current balance with the customer
SuccessfulBuy takes in Stock name, shares bought, amount spent; and changes the portfolio and balance
SuccessfulSell takes in Stock name, shares sold, amount returned; and changes the portfolio and balance
toString returns a printable string with the User name, Account Balance, and Portfolio.
(Remember customer can buy only if there is enough money for the transaction and can only sell from his/her portfolio)
The Application the Broker class is modified to do the following:
Create and manage 4 stocks which are initialized as follows:
Stock name init volume init price
STK1 10000 $ 8.00
STK2 20000 $ 5.00
STK3 10000 $ 9.00
STK4 30000 $ 10.00
Create and manage 3 Customer accounts, initialized as follows.
Customer Name Starting Account Balance
C1 $ 100000.00
C2 $ 25000.00
C3 $ 50000.00
All the three customers have empty portfolio. After the transactions they can have any of the four stocks indicated above.
These initial information on the stock and customer information are not obtained from the user. These are not constants either. They are initial values provided.
First display all stocks and their current state. Then, display all the customers and their portfolio.
Then gives a menu option to select a customer, or exit the application.
If a customer is selected then give another option to perform trade or view-portfolio:
If the view-portfolio option is selected display the customer portfolio
If a trade option is selected then provide another menu to buy or sell
Then provide a menu to select a stock (to buy or sell)
Execute this trade.
If the trade is executed successfully, then an appropriate message is output
and the resulting customer portfolio is displayed
Else output a message that the trade was not successful.
The above process is repeated until the exit application option is selected.
Display the current state of all the stocks.
Display all the customers and their current portfolio.
Store your project with the updated Stock class, the
Customer class, and the updated Broker Application: Due Date: Midnight - 11/25/24