CS 341, Spring Fall 2024
Programming Assignment # 3
Due: midnight – Wed 11/13/2024
Hierarchical structures: Write a java collections class that implements a 2-3-4 Search Tree.
On this tree class implement the following methods:
To construct the tree from the contents of an input file
To find if a value exists in the tree
To return the height of the tree.
Method to output the values from this tree such that the values are output sorted.
Method to insert a value into the 2-3-4 tree.
Write a Java application that reads an input file (234tree.dat) that describes a flattened tree and constructs the corresponding tree. The format of the flattened tree is as below:
Values at the node followed by lines that indicate the values at each of its children.
A blank line followed by description of another node.
Example: Content of file Description
20 50 root node has 20 and 50 (has 3 children)
5 12 first node has 5 12;
35 42 45 second has 35 42 45
61 third has 61
5 12 node has 5 12 (three children)
2 4 first has 2 4
6 11 second has 6 11
14 17 18 third has 14 17 18
35 42 45 node has 35 42 45 (four children)
25 32 first has 25 32
37 39 41 second has 37 39 41
43 third has 43
46 48 fourth has 46 48
61 node has 61 (two children)
55 57 first has 55 57
63 65 second has 53 65
Note that the content of the file is conformant to 2-3-4 tree. You can create your own file based on the above format for testing. Your program should be able to construct a tree based on the content of the file, not just for the above example.
Export your project to your folder in class storage by the due date.
Questions and Collaboration: Any questions about the problem – email, inquire in class, or discuss with instructor. You are free to discuss the problem-solving part. Do not view or use code developed by others.