CS 341, Fall 2024                  Iyengar           Individual Programming Project # 2

                                    Due: Midnight Sunday 10/20/24


Creating Histogram


This assignment has the same objectives as assignment 1. But – the items are to be maintained in a linked multi-list. A multi-list is a list that appears to be multiple lists – depending on how you traverse as it has multiple next for every element in the list. Implement the insert into the list such that the element is sorted by a certain attribute. Additionally – implement insert into the list such that the element is sorted by a different attribute. Thus, depending on the traversal based on a certain attribute – the items will be visited in order of the attribute chosen.


There will be no need to sort when the histograms are to be displayed!




A text file named “Values.dat” with string with three values per line, up to 20 values in the file. The values represent – item_name, price, inventory, profitability, for items. Hence create an Item class and use an array of items to store the objects represented by each line.



A histogram displayed based on the selection made on the user interface – that enables a selection of price or inventory or profitability and ascending or descending. Thus, the user can view the items (names) from lowest price to highest price or vice-versa. Alternately – the user can view the items (names) from lowest inventory to highest inventory or vice-versa. Similarly, for profitability.


The user should be able to choose multiple options (and view the histograms) until – an exit option is chosen.


Questions and Collaboration:  Any questions about the problem – email, inquiry in class or discussion with instructor. You are free to discuss the problem-solving part. Do not view or use code developed by others.



You must implement your own data management and sorting routines (not use Java libraries). For display purposes you can use a simple horizontal histogram using normalized values using ‘*’s.


Assume all values to be integers – price range ($) 1 – 20; inventory range (#) – 100 – 1000; and profitability (%) – 10 – 50.


Your application must work for an unknown number of items in the input file (up to 100).




Input:              Apple              4 500 20

                        Orange            6 300 30

                        Banana            8 900 20



User selection – Price, Ascending


                        Items displayed by ascending order of price ($)


                        Apple              (4)       ****

                        Orange            (6)        ******

                        Banana            (8)        ********



            User selection – Profitability, Descending


                        Items displayed by descending order of profitability (%)


                        Orange            (30)      ***

                        Apple              (20)      **

                        Banana            (20)      **



            User selection – Inventory, Ascending


                        Items displayed by ascending order of inventory (#)


                        Orange            (300)    ***

                        Apple              (500)    ****

                        Banana            (900)    *********


            User selection: Exit


                        Thanks for using our handy-dandy item management system!



We will use aspects of this assignment in the next one – so you can plan your code accordingly for reuse.