CS-410 Spring
2025 Team
Project Due: 2/17/25
We are to
develop a Math/Arithmetic Tutoring System that will be used by schoolteachers,
students, and administrators to teach, practice, provide feedback, and track
progress of students in their math curriculum.
The system
should allow generation of generic and custom test plans, practice and testing
sessions, reporting of individual and group progress over time. To start with
we address the needs for kindergarten/1st Grade students. The
following skills are part of the curriculum:
Recognizing numbers/Counting
Recognizing larger/smaller (more/less) – Using number line
Using number line to add, count and add up to 10, add more to
make 10.
Count and add up to 20, add 3 values up to 20.
Vertical addition, find missing number to make 10/20
Horizontal addition, adding 3 values.
Adding two-digit number (no carry), adding 2-digit number
with carry
The development will be in teams of