CS 495 - Computer Science Research Seminar
Spring 2025

T, Th – 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, WSU – WA 102; Rochester – SH 101

Meeting ID: 943 8237 8997


Sudharsan Iyengar                               Mingrui Zhang                           Trung Nguyen

siyengar@winona.edu                      mzhang@winona.edu         trung.nguyen@winona.edu

Watkins 103D                                       Watkins 103C                           Watkins 108



Course Description

This course is an undergraduate research seminar designed to study research methods in computer science and to support students in the implementation of an independent student project. Student projects can be a software development project, a survey project or a research project.  With the help of faculty, students choose an appropriate project/thesis to study. Computer science research methods are introduced and the various forms of technical writing common to computer science are studied. Students conduct their research/implement their project, write a technical paper as a result, and present their findings during the year-end senior technical conference.  Students also read and critically review several computer science journal articles. This course serves to give students some motivation for pursuing graduate studies.

Course Text: Writing for Computer Science, Third Edition, Justin Zobel. The pdf of this book will be made available for the class.

Course Goals

Goal 1: Students will learn to analyze and interpret unfamiliar computer science technical topics.

Goal 2: Students will learn to use common computer science research and reporting techniques.

Goal 3: Students will practice their written and oral communication skills.

Goal 4: Students will apply skills and knowledge from earlier CS courses to the development of an independent, in-depth project.


Student Learning Objectives

Students should be able to:

  1. Critically read and analyze computer science journal articles for which they have suitable background knowledge. [in support of Goals 1,2]
  2. Research, write up, and present findings relative to a defined technical thesis topic in computer science. [in support of Goals 1,2,3,4]
  3. Assess technical reports and supply written feedback appropriate to a typical conference paper review. [in support of Goals 1,2,3,4]
  4. Give a half hour oral presentation that is appropriate to a typical professional conference. [in support of Goal 3]
  5. Write a 10–15-page technical report/journal article that is appropriate to a typical computer science conference article. [in support of Goal 3]
  6. Integrate and utilize some of the skills and knowledge that they have gained over the course of their undergraduate career. [in support of Goal 1,4]
  7. Orally explain a difficult technical issue in clear and precise terms that are appropriate to their current audience. [in support of Goal 1,3,4]
  8. Pursue the development of a project independently – including knowing where to go to find supportive information and carrying out any background research that is needed. [in support of Goal 4]

Assessment of Objectives

Assessment Activity

Targeted Learning Objectives

Research Paper


Oral Presentation of Research Paper


Poster Presentation of Research


Technical Paper Review


In-class participation



Assessed Components

  1. One research paper with five milestone deliverables (50%)
  2. One student conference presentation (15%)
  3. One student poster presentation (15%)
  4. Two technical paper reviews (10%)
  5. Class participation and preparation (10%)

Note: The class participation and preparation grade will be assigned based on the quality of a student's participation.  This means that each student should demonstrate, on a weekly basis, that he/she has done the reading and other assigned work for the given week.  Assessment is based on, but not limited to, class attendance, consistency of participation, support of statements and opinions, relevance and timeliness of questions, and enthusiasm for learning. Please refer to the Schedules and Timelines at the end of this document.




Attendance and Tardiness:

Attendance will not be taken but will be factored into each student's participation grade.  Late arrival is disruptive to student learning.  Any student who is persistently late will be impacted negatively in the class participation category.


Examinations, Quizzes, Homework, Program Assignments:

There are no quizzes or examinations in this course.


Academic Ethics:

All students are to complete course work in a manner in keeping with the highest standards of academic honesty.  Students engaging in academically dishonest acts will be subject to disciplinary sanctions, which may include dismissal from the University.


Commitment to Inclusive Excellence: 

Using difference and diverse perspectives to deepen understanding lies at the heart of WSU’s dedication to improving the world.  In this course, the principle and practice of academic diversity, in its many different facets, will be used to enhance the education of all members of the course.  Differences in the personal and social identity of the students and instructors in the course, such as ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and socioeconomic background, offer a rich source of information.  As such, students are encouraged to put forward a variety of informed, well-considered, and civilly expressed perspectives in the classroom and in their coursework.  Additionally, students who have experienced disadvantage as a seeming result of difference are encouraged to speak with one of the instructors early in the term about their concerns and appropriate accommodations.


Schedule and Timelines:


Spring Semester 2025







Introduction to course


Assignment: Read Ch. 1, 2, 4





What is research?

hypotheses and proposals


Discuss Ch. 1, 2, 4





Structure of a Research Paper


Assignment: Read Ch. 3, 12

Initial Proposal – Thursday noon by email





Discuss Ch. 3, 12

References and citations


Assignment: Ch. 5, 6





Discuss Ch. 5, 6

Graduate school





Presentation of student proposal

Extended Proposal – Thursday noon by email



Individual meetings with advisor

Assignment: Ch. 14, 15





Discuss Ch. 14, 15










Individual meeting with instructor

Email Progress Report to the instructors on Wednesday

Progress Report

Thursday noon



Peer review of progress report


Assignment: Ch. 9, 10, 11, peer reviews of Progress Reports

Peer reviews due Thursday noon




Poster design


Assignment: Ch. 16






Preparing poster

First Full Draft Thursday noon



Conference preparation




Poster Presentation at WSU Research Day on 4/24

Final Draft

Thursday noon




CS Senior Seminar Conferences


Oral Presentation